We got up, had our clothes all laid out for us (just in case we happened to sleep in) and were ready to see what Cabo San Lucas had in store for us. This port we were to be tendered into shore, so we wanted to be the first in line so we didn't miss our excursion. We could start lining up at 8:00 am, so we got down there then and had to wait in line for about a half hour before the lets us start loading up...let me re-phrase that. J had to wait in line, I ran back upstairs not once, not twice but three times to grab things. Since the elevators were packed I ran up and down, to and from, levels 1 to 16 yeah it was fun.
We loved waking up and being able to walk out onto our balcony, reminded us of the cabin....but better!
We decided from day one that we would (try to) take a daily, sometimes a few times a day, photo.
:) sexy legs! (We love our new ref sandals)
Tendering to Cabo:
a nice shot of the ship...our room was one of the balcony's in the back. Looking at this picture, it was top left.
Ahh, we are finally in Cabo. The weather was outstanding, almost hot, just how I like it.
We (meaning me) were able to find a fun Booze cruise. (http://secure.shoretrips.com/common/search4.asp?rcode=MEX&lcode=CAB&tcode=046380) for $65 a person we boarded the open top boat with about 60 other people, where there was liquor flowing and the dance club music blasting.

The cool rocks
Even though we do not have actual proof that we did, both J and I jumped off the side of the boat!! I was able to get a picture of someone else jumping, so you can understand how high up it was. It was really freaky, but super fun, well not fun enough to do it again!
This was the spot where we docked for a bit and snorkeled. J and I loved it, we both want to go snorkeling on the next vacation we go on. (not sure when or when it will be, but somewhere where we can snorkel, but make a full day of it). Since we did not have that much time after getting off of the booze cruise, we walked straight to the long line to get on a tender to go back to the ship. One nice thing was that the port was very beautiful and we had a lot to look at while in line.
Love this picture of my hubby

Since this was our first really big night we were really tired, so we went back to our cabin and took a nap...on our outside bed. :)
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