Saturday, December 3, 2011

Countdown to Alexander

On the first real snow fall of the winter season I find myself nesting. We have his furniture all set up, it is starting to look like a nursery.  I was searching Craigslist the other day and found our bedding, plus a ton of extra Mod Monkey things! It is such a good deal I couldn't pass it up, picking it up soon and cant wait.

Our Theme, Mod Monkey. 

Nursery so far (the pink totes hold Newborn/0-3 month clothes) 

Love the dresser/hutch....and look at those adorable suits! 

I also found some fun idea's for DIY (Do It Yourself) basket's on Pinterest, (follow me here). I made a few of them today.
One of my Basket's (with the yarn I am using for Alex's baby blanket ) 

J and LOVE the Holiday season and cant wait to decorate our house with lights, swag and tinsel. However, this year has been a bit busy and we know it will somehow only go faster so we mutually agreed that we are skipping 90% of the Christmas decorations this year. We agreed that we would keep it simple and only decorate the mantel.

Ugh I can not turn it...Here is our Christmas-fied Mantel 
I just "turned" 29 weeks on Thursday. I cant believe we have (give or take) 11 weeks left!! While doing Alexander's laundry today, as I was folding his teny-tiny onesies, I started to tear up a bit. I was folding laundry for MY son, not one of the many children I babysit for, but mine. I am not going to lie I had a few seconds of not believing it. Am I ready? I get that everyone thinks like this at some point but, time is ticking and things are starting to come together, so that is good.  Alex is really keeping busy in my tummy. I smile every time he moves in there, he hasn't been a huge mover but lately he really goes to town. When he moves most of the time you can visibly see it and J has been able to feel him all of the time now. 

Here is my Thanksgiving bump: 
Still wont rotate, sorry. 
I have felt great my whole pregnancy and really love being pregnant. I am quite blessed. 

Some countdowns that I am looking forward to: 

Christmas: 3 weeks away
Maternity Session: 5 weeks away
Baby shower weekend extravaganza: 6 weeks away
Alexander's estimated due date: 11 weeks away


If you want to take a look at our registries, feel free. As you saw, we are so set on clothes, so we did not register for any, since we just do not need any! :) (We have two families that have donated their hand-me-down clothes to us!)  We are also Cloth Diapering but will stock up on a few disposable diapers, 7th Gen seems to be a great disposable option. 


Until next time. Love you all!